GitLab CI Setup

Certhub provides official docker images which can be used as part of a CI pipeline to generate and renew certificates. The images are designed to be fully configurable via environment variables.


A working demo setup can be found on


Do not use public/shared CI runners when generating production certificates.

Big Picture

A typical setup consists of two repositories. One for the CI pipeline (i.e., the Certhub Controller) and a second one for the certificates.


The CI pipeline itself consists of two jobs: Cert issue/renew which only runs when triggered and Expiry check which only runs when scheduled. If the Expiry Check job detects that a certificate is about to expire, it triggers the Cert issue/renew job.


If the Cert isuse/renew job successfully optains a certificate, it gets pushed to the certificate repository.


Certificates Repository

In order to setup the certificate repository on gitlab, follow these steps:

  1. first create a new project and initialize the repository with a first commit. E.g., add a README file linking to this guide.

  2. Generate a new SSH key pair and add the public part as a deploy key to the newly created certificates project. Store the private part of the key in a safe place.


There are many options to deploy certificates pushed to this repository. Some ideas:

  • Setup repository mirroring to push certificates to certhub nodes.

  • Trigger other CI Pipelines to rebuild and deploy applications / docker images.

  • Setup Webhooks to notify the sysops team.

CI Pipeline Repository

In order to setup the controller repository and its CI pipeline follow these steps:

  1. First create a new project and initialize the repository with a first commit. E.g., add a README file linking to this guide.

  2. Add a new trigger and copy the resulting token.

  3. Navigate to environment variables section and add the trigger token to a new variable named PRIVATE_PIPELINE_TOKEN. Also add the private part of the deploy key as a variable with the name PRIVATE_SSH_KEY.

  4. Optional but recommended: Enable the Protected option on those variables and setup branch protection for the master branch in order to reduce the risk of leaking credentials.

CI Pipeline Configuration

Use one of certhub/certhub:certbot , certhub/certhub:dehydrated or certhub/certhub:lego as the base image depending on preference and integration needs. In order to simplify interaction with DNS providers, lexicon is packaged with all images except for the lego-one.

The following code example represents the overall architecture of the CI pipeline. The global variables section contains connection parameters for the certificates repository, as well as variables defining the repository structure. Note that the CERT_SLUG variable will typically be defined manually in the GUI when issuing renewing a certificate for the first time or when setting up a scheduled job. Refer to the variables section of git-gau-docker-entry.1 and the certhub Man Pages for detailed information about available environment variables.

The Cert issue/renew job is configured to be skipped in a scheduled pipeline run, and it is only executed when CERT_SLUG environment variable is set (See only/except docs for more information). The commit message can be customized using variables used by certhub-message-format. Note that the git commits are attributed to the user which triggered a pipeline by leveraging predefined variables GITLAB_USER_NAME and GITLAB_USER_EMAIL.

The Expiry check job on the other hand is configured to only run in a scheduled pipeline. The only responsibility is to trigger the CI pipeline whenever the certificate pointed to by CERT_SLUG is about to expire. Refer to certhub-cert-expiry for information about available configuration options via environment variables.

image: certhub/certhub:certbot
#image: certhub/certhub:dehydrated
#image: certhub/certhub:lego

  # 1. Change Git URL of the certificates repository.
  # 2. Use ssh-keyscan to determine the SSH keys of the machine hosting the
  # certificates repository.
  GAU_SSH_KNOWNHOSTS: | ssh-ed25519 AAAAC3NzaC1lZDI1NTE5AAAAIAfuCHKVTjquxvt6CM6tdG4SLp1Btn/nOeHHE5UOzRdf ssh-rsa AAAAB3NzaC1yc2EAAAADAQABAAABAQCsj2bNKTBSpIYDEGk9KxsGh3mySTRgMtXL583qmBpzeQ+jqCMRgBqB98u3z++J1sKlXHWfM9dyhSevkMwSbhoR8XIq/U0tCNyokEi/ueaBMCvbcTHhO7FcwzY92WK4Yt0aGROY5qX2UKSeOvuP4D6TPqKF1onrSzH9bx9XUf2lEdWT/ia1NEKjunUqu1xOB/StKDHMoX4/OKyIzuS0q/T1zOATthvasJFoPrAjkohTyaDUz2LN5JoH839hViyEG82yB+MjcFV5MU3N1l1QL3cVUCh93xSaua1N85qivl+siMkPGbO5xR/En4iEY6K2XPASUEMaieWVNTRCtJ4S8H+9 ecdsa-sha2-nistp256 AAAAE2VjZHNhLXNoYTItbmlzdHAyNTYAAAAIbmlzdHAyNTYAAABBBFSMqzJeV9rUzU4kWitGjeR4PWSa29SPqJ1fVkhtj3Hw9xjLVXVYrU9QlYWrOLXBpQ6KWjbjTDTdDkoohFzgbEY=

Cert issue/renew:
  stage: build

      - $CERT_SLUG

      - schedules


    # 3. Configuration for acme client goes here
    #    [...]

    - git config "${GITLAB_USER_NAME}"
    - git config "${GITLAB_USER_EMAIL}"

    - >
      git gau-ac
      git gau-xargs -I{WORKDIR}
      certhub-message-format "${CERTHUB_CERT_PATH}" x509
      # 4. Invocation of acme client goes here
      #    [...]

Expiry check:
  stage: build

      - $CERT_SLUG
      - schedules


    - >
      git gau-xargs -I{WORKDIR}
      certhub-cert-expiry "${CERTHUB_CERT_PATH}" "${CERTHUB_CERT_EXPIRY_TTL}"
      curl -X POST -F "token=${PIPELINE_TOKEN}" -F "ref=${CI_COMMIT_REF_NAME}" -F "variables[CERT_SLUG]=${CERT_SLUG}" "${CI_API_V4_URL}/projects/${CI_PROJECT_ID}/trigger/pipeline"

CI Pipeline Certbot

This section needs work. Please refer to the certbot example on and certhub-docker-entry.

CI Pipeline Dehydrated

This section needs work. Please refer to the dehydrated example on and certhub-docker-entry.

CI Pipeline Lego

This section needs work. Please refer to the lego example on and certhub-docker-entry.

Gitlab CI Usage

In order to setup a new certificate follow these steps:

  1. Generate a new private key and a CSR. Store the private key in a safe place and deploy it to the servers / services where the certificate will be used.

  2. Add the CSR to the repository (file extension: .csr.pem). Note the basename, this will be used as the value of the CERT_SLUG variable in subsequent steps.

  3. Add acme client specific configuration files to the repository if necessary, (e.g., $CERT_SLUG.certbot.ini or $CERT_SLUG.dehydrated.conf).

  4. Run the CI pipeline once manually, set the variable CERT_SLUG in the GUI:

  5. Add a schedule if the pipeline was successfull.

  6. Expiry checks can also be triggered manually from the schedule overview page.
